“Promoting Pride in Craftsmanship and Customer Satisfaction”
The purpose of the Operative Plasterers’ and Cement Masons’ Code of Conduct is to stimulate our members pride in craftsmanship and customer satisfaction.
Fostering membership pride in our plasterers, cement masons, and shop hands is key to our survival. To achieve this goal our Local Union Officers must implement this Code of Conduct immediately, uphold it strictly, and apply it consistently. The result will be to increase our members self worth, bolster quality craftsmanship, improve working conditions, leverage higher wages and benefits, and create increasing work opportunities for our members. It will also benefit our contractors by increasing their productivity, ensuring timely job completions, keeping projects within (or under) budget, and providing them with reliable, quality craftsmanship.
To be successful, the Code of Conduct must have the full support of the Local Union at all levels. Officers must wholeheartedly dedicate themselves to this task by “setting the standard” and acting as role models for the membership.
Any member found in violation of the Code will be subject to the disciplinary procedures of the International and Local’s Constitution which includes, but is not limited to, charges being filed and the possibility of a fine, suspension, and/or expulsion. While charges may be brought at any time a three strike policy shall be in effect. This means that any member who has three written complaints filed by Employers shall face disciplinary charges and after a hearing may be fined, suspended or expelled.
Responsibilities under the Code
Both the union and contractor have responsibilities under the Code. For the Code to be mutually beneficial, both parties must take their respective duties seriously, and communicate with the other party constructively and on a consistent basis.
Local Union Responsibilities
The Business Manager and Business Agents are responsible for communicating the OPCMIA Code of Conduct to all members, and ensuring they are fully compliant.
To achieve the goals of the Code, the Business Manager and Business Agents shall ensure that:
- Members shall apply their knowledge, skills, and experience diligently on the job.
- Members shall make every effort to upgrade their skills on a regular basis.
- Members, especially those with extensive experience in the trade, shall convey their knowledge and skills of cement masonry and plastering to their colleagues to strengthen the overall value of the OPCMIA’s workmanship as well as encourage teamwork.
- Members meet their responsibility to their fellow workmates and contractors by arriving on time fit for work.
- Members strictly adhere to break times and lunch periods allowed in their contract(s) and agreement(s).
- Members bring the necessary tools as established on the tool list, and ensure they are in proper working order prior to arriving on the job.
- Members abide by the zero tolerance policy for substance abuse.
- Members perform consistently productive work, keep idle time to a minimum, and make every effort to eliminate unnecessary disruptions on the job.
- Members respect the property of the customer, and are fully aware that graffiti and other forms of destruction are not tolerated.
- Members respect their union, their contractors, and their clients by not wearing clothing or buttons with offensive words or symbols.
The Business Manager and Business Agents, in cooperation with Employers on the jobsite, will approach members who demonstrate bad work habits, advise them of their responsibilities as union members, and provide guidance and direction.
In addition, the Business Manager and Business Agents shall ensure that:
- Slowdowns and other methods utilized to extend jobs or give rise to overtime are not tolerated.
- Outside activities that cast the OPCMIA or its local unions in a negative light are not tolerated.
- Inappropriate behavior, harassment, or discrimination exercised towards another member or person, or group of members or persons, are not tolerated.
- Members are meeting their contractual obligations to utilize the proper safety equipment and methods.
- Members are not leaving the jobsite during their work periods without the prior approval of their superior(s).
- No member is soliciting funds on any project or job without prior approval.
- Cell phones are not used on the project site, except during official lunch and break periods.
- Merchandise is not sold on the job site without the prior approval of the Business Manager.
Contractor’s Responsibilities
Our signatory contractors have a responsibility to manage their jobs as well as our members who work on their jobs. This task will be made easier by adhering to their responsibilities under the Code, including:
- Addressing ineffective superintendents, general foremen, and foremen.
- Ensuring proper job layout to minimize downtime.
- Ensuring the proper storage of contractor as well as employee tools.
- Ensuring the appropriate number of employees are on the jobsite to perform the work efficiently, economically, and safely.
- Providing the necessary leadership and training skills for jobsite leaders to eliminate problems.
- Ensuring that the proper types and quantities of tools and materials are available on the site to facilitate speedy progress.
- Ensuring that jobsite leaders take responsibility for mistakes created by management and rectify them expeditiously.
- Eliminating unsafe working conditions and ensuring that the proper safety training, equipment, and methods are used.
- It shall be the employer’s responsibility whenever a member has violated the Code of Conduct to report such violations immediately by providing the responsible Local Union with a letter detailing the alleged violation(s) and the circumstances surrounding.
Dispute Resolution Mechanism
Both the OPCMIA Local Unions and the signatory contractors have obligations respecting the resolution of disputes. In the early stages of a dispute, our Local Unions must actively facilitate dialogue between its members and the contractors. Similarly, contractors should promptly address any and all problems and issues of concern as they arise. If these initial remedial actions of the Local Union and contractor fail to resolve the matter, the parties will pursue their respective remedies under the collective agreement(s).