Who We Are

Organized in 1864, the OPCMIA has represented and trained plasterers and cement masons for the purpose of protecting and promoting the quality of our industry and the livelihood of our members. Plaster and concrete are ageless building materials that will not fall out of favor as long as there is a sufficient amount of workers who are skilled in the arts of installation and finishing. These materials are as unforgiving as they are durable and beautiful. Skilled hands and competent management must work together to achieve the desired result and to promote and protect this vital construction resource. We dedicate ourselves to the promotion of these materials, the recruitment and training of skilled craftsmen to meet the demand of our industry, and hold ourselves responsible to this commitment for the future of our industry and the welfare of all those who earn their living in it.

General Executive Board

KEVIN D. SEXTON, General President

RICHARD A. BAILEY, General Secretary-Treasurer

TODD A. LAIR, Executive Vice-President

MICHAEL HUBLER, Vice President

ALISE MARTINY, Vice President

JOEL SANTOS, Vice President

CHESTER MURPHY, Vice President

CHRIS FELLER, Vice President, Canadian Consultant

Kevin D. Sexton

General President

On February 1, 2023, Kevin Sexton became the General President of the Operative Plasterers’ & Cement Masons’ International Association (OPCMIA).

Kevin Sexton entered the ranks of the OPCMIA in 1985 when he entered OPCMIA Local 518’s apprenticeship, after completing his service in the United States Army. Kevin then completed the apprenticeship program and went to work in the field as a journeyperson Cement Mason. He worked for various signatory contractors on construction projects throughout Local 518’s jurisdiction. During his time in the field, Kevin worked hard and earned the respect of all his co-workers and employers.

His dedication to Local 518’s members led Kevin to seek office within the Local Union. He was elected to serve on the Executive Board in 1993 and he was elected to serve as Local 518 President in 1996. He went on to be hired by then Business Manager Milton Warriner to serve as a Business Agent; and, upon Business Manager Warriner’s retirement, Kevin was appointed to serve as Business Manager by then General President John J. Dougherty. The membership elected and re-elected Kevin as the Business Manager. Kevin served his membership by negotiating and enforcing strong contracts with signatory employers, as well as serving as a trustee on the numerous ERISA trust funds that provide benefits to the membership. Kevin was also appointed to serve as a Deputy International Representative by General President John Dougherty in 2002.

Kevin has also represented his members by seeking positions in the state and local building trades. He has served as an elected Vice President of the Kansas City Building Trades Council and then as an appointed President of the council. Kevin has also served as an elected Treasurer of the Missouri State Building Trades in 2011. His work in the state and local building trades ensured that the interests of every Plasterer, Cement Mason and Shop Hand would be advanced through the work of the building trades.

Kevin’s hard work and commitment to the members caught the attention of the International Association. Then-General President Patrick D. Finley appointed Kevin to serve on the Finance Committee in 2011 and hire Kevin as an International Representative in July 2015. General President Finley’s successor, Daniel E. Stepano, appointed Kevin to serve as a Vice President in April 2016 and then as a member of the General Executive Board in February 2017.

On April 18, 2018, General President Stepano appointed Kevin Sexton to serve as the General Secretary-Treasurer of the OPCMIA. The delegates to the OPCMIA’s 52nd Convention elected Kevin to continue to serve in that office. During his tenure as General Secretary-Treasurer, Kevin oversaw the strengthening and growth of the OPCMIA’s finances.

When General President Stepano announced his retirement, he chose Kevin Sexton as his successor and the General Executive Board unanimously confirmed Kevin to serve as the General President of the OPCMIA effective February 1, 2023.

Kevin is married to Angela Sexton and together they have seven children, seven grandsons and two granddaughters.

Richard A. Bailey

General Secretary-Treasurer

The OPCMIA General Executive Board unanimously appointed Vice President Richard A. Bailey to serve as General Secretary-Treasurer, effective February 1, 2023. He succeeded Kevin D. Sexton, who became OPCMIA General President on the same date.

Brother Bailey joined OPCMIA Local 109, Akron Ohio in 1979 as an Apprentice Cement Mason. After his graduation in 1982, he worked for various concrete contractors in the Akron-Cleveland market, serving as a Journeyman, Foreman and job site Steward.

Brother Bailey was appointed an OPCMIA International Organizer in 2000 by then-General President John Dougherty and became an International Representative in 2005. He was elected Vice President by delegates to the 2014 International Convention and re-elected in 2019. He has served in many capacities over his career with the OPCMIA, the most recent one as Senior Trustee at Local 577 CO-WY during its Trusteeship.

“Brother Bailey is an outstanding trade unionist who is deeply devoted to the well-being of our members,” said General President-Elect Sexton. “His experience and his integrity will serve our members well as he takes the office of General Secretary-Treasurer, and I look forward to continuing to work with him as we lead our union to its best days yet.”

Brother Bailey and his wife, Linda, have three adult children and numerous grandchildren.