I don’t care if you’re male or female, if you are in this trade, you are not your average person…. This is a fantastic trade.”

I am celebrating 40 years in the Operative Plasterers and Cement Masons. I am just totally blessed that I have made a man’s wage my whole life — and that’s not just a man’s wage, it’s a livable wage. Since I was 18 and got into this organization, I’ve had health insurance. It’s paved the way for myself, my family, as well as the future workforce.”

I got into the trade because I thought, ‘this is good money.’ I put a lot of holes in the walls when I was a kid and I always wanted to learn how to patch them. I absolutely love this trade … never a dull moment.”

There’s a really strong desire among [women] to get a piece of the action as far as the money the trades have to offer and the benefits and the way of life that we all enjoy as union tradespeople.”

Joining the OPCMIA opens doors to a fulfilling trade, a rewarding career and a better life. And the OPCMIA’s Steel Edge Women are here to support you every step of the way, whether you’re in the Job Corps, one of our world-class apprenticeship programs, or working as a journeyperson.

This video explains why if you’re “not your average woman,” you should look into learning the crafts of plastering and cement masonry, and pursuing a lifelong career that will enable you to realize your dreams.

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