OPCMIA Honors and Remembers President Jimmy Carter

Photo Credit: The Carter Center

On behalf of the OPCMIA General Executive Board, I want to pay tribute to the remarkable life and achievements of President Jimmy Carter and to offer our heartfelt condolences to his family.

President Carter was a man of deep faith and unshakeable integrity who was guided by an unmovable moral compass and always sought to do the right thing, whether he resided in the White House or his lifelong home in Plains, Georgia.

Throughout his century on this earth, President Carter was steadfast in his advocacy for workers’ rights, civil rights, voting rights, and human rights. His devotion to justice and peace was unparalleled. And whether it was building homes with Habitat for Humanity or eradicating deadly, neglected diseases like Guinea Worm, his legacy of uplifting our world is simply unmatched.

America and the world will miss President Carter. But we are all incredibly fortunate to have been blessed by his presence, his leadership and his service.

Kevin D. Sexton
General President