My name is Anthony Yoho. My father, Mike Yoho, is a member of the Local 109 in Akron, Ohio. I graduated from Early College High School (a program through Canton McKinley High School) with an honors diploma. I also graduated from Stark State College with 2 Associate Degrees with high distinction. I am proud to accomplish a goal of maintaining straight A’s throughout my entire school career. I was an active member of the Canton McKinley Band for 4 years where I played the saxophone. I was a member of the National Honor Society, Canton McKinley Scholars, C.A.M.P. (Cast Apprenticeship Mentorship Program), and President of the C.A.S.T (Caring and Serving Together) volunteer organization.
In the fall, I will be attending The University of Akron, where I will be majoring in computer engineering with a minor in computer science. I am beyond blessed to have been a recipient of this scholarship. Thank you OPCMIA for allowing me to continue my education and be successful in my future endeavors.