The OPCMIA joins with our fellow Americans in honoring Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., for his steadfast, courageous fight for civil and workers’ rights, racial and economic justice, equality of opportunity, and the dignity of work.

Today, 96 years after his birth, America needs to heed Dr. King’s calls to conscience and to pursue his vision of an America free of discrimination and injustice more than ever.

Dr. King recognized that the labor and civil rights movements share the same values and goals, and must stand united in solidarity to improve the lives of working men and women. Indeed, he paid the ultimate price while supporting Memphis’ striking sanitation workers. We will always be indebted to him for his bravery and unwavering moral leadership.

The OPCMIA pledges to honor Dr. King and to continue his legacy not only today, but each and every day.

Kevin Sexton
General President